Anti-cellulite massage at homeconditions: the basics. Regular anti-cellulite self-massage – a pledgeof success

Вт, 26 янв 2016 Автор: массажист Людмила
The beautiful

For some reason, many fat women think that
«апельсиновая корка» поражает только их тело, а
here is slim and thin ladies cellulite does not threaten, and at the same time
are mistaken.

Cellulite does not touch only men, but the female gender is subject to
the action of this enemy of a beautiful body, even in childhood, and
бороться с ним можно только регулярным выполнением
определенных требований
, в том числе с помощью
anti-cellulite massage at home.

Want to check on which areas of the body appeared cellulite?
Squeeze the area under study with two hands and see if there are
there are tubercles and hollows. This is cellulite.

It can be on the stomach, sides, buttocks and thighs. Is encountered
that the “orange peel” on his feet literally hangs down on his knees.

The hands also suffer from cellulite, sometimes in their upper part
fatty “lanterns” are formed.


What is the main reason for the appearance of “orange peel”

Главный «убийца» прекрасной женской кожи — гормон
, который во множественном количестве
It is produced in the body of women, activating their
activities during puberty, menopause, pregnancy and
stressful situations that are not so rare in our lives.

Adipose tissue plays the role of protection and, by retaining water in the body,
itself begins to grow, primarily on the sides and abdomen, displacing

If time does not pay attention to the failure of hormonal,
to fight cellulite will have in the abdomen and thighs,
so on the surface of the arms and legs, it will simply spread around
body, then you will need to apply the entire arsenal of anti-cellulite

Hormone estrogen in parallel:

• accumulates fluid in the body;

• inhibits lymph outflow;

• slows down the metabolism;

• prevents toxins.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of cellulite are diets,
when the body is experiencing the “swing” of weight loss and weight gain.

The excessive passion for coffee, alcohol and nicotine also contributes
its contribution to the destruction of the beauty of the skin of the body.

If you completely give up physical activity, walking
on foot, then wait to visit cellulite, which will have
get rid of for a long time.

Что влияет на достижение of success антицеллюлитного массажа в
home conditions

I want to disappoint those who dream for 10 – 15 sessions
anti-cellulite massage to get rid of annoying “orange
peel. Do not believe loud advertisements about miraculous cabinets,
techniques and oils.

This process is long, continuous, but life changes.
Training, proper nutrition will soon give their results in the form of
slimming and rejuvenation of the whole body and the gradual disappearance

The fight against cellulite deposits will require a lot of time, effort,
patience, lifestyle changes and no anti-cellulite massage in
home conditions не обойтись.

Вот 4 основных правила, выполнение которых
necessarily if you want to have perfect skin.

Вода. Every day you need to drink 1.5 -2.5 liters
(depends on weight – 30 ml per 1 kg of weight), the amount and necessity
which is not even discussed. Until the kidneys start to take the right
the amount of fluid, and for this they need water to clean
Excess from the body, it is impossible to make fat disappear.

We remember that we drink before meals and in 1.5 – 2.0 hours after meals.
Tea, coffee, compote is food.

Правильное питание. This is written a lot, but
who does this, however, in war, as in war. Accept
the decision to eat 5 times a day, giving up potatoes, flour and
sweets. You can let one eat a piece of the hormone of joy
black chocolate leave for coffee, which we just enjoy.

With a balanced diet, a piece of chicken or fish with porridge and
vegetables are not only tasty, but also perfectly affect the exchange

Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs should be constantly on your
the table. In any gym you will get a sample menu for
body transformations.

Физические нагрузки. Who ever visited
gym, becomes his constant fan. With
Inability to work with a trainer, find a program in
YouTube and work at home, every day, from half an hour to an hour, distributing
by day top, belly and legs.

Elementary squat 30 times with 3 – 4 approaches during the day
able to tighten the muscles of the hips, make the elastic ass.

Raise your head proudly, press bent arms to the sides, imitating
skier pose, pull air through nose, while belly
bulges out, when squatting, exhale sharply, breathe in the belly.
Stand still, gradually exhaling air, and even denser
pulling in the belly. Repeat 30 times.

It is proved that the fat from the abdomen leaves only during respiratory
charging, so pull in your belly and hold on tight for any
opportunity case.

– Антицеллюлитный массаж рекомендуется проводить
. For starters, you can use the services
massage therapist – a professional to get acquainted with all the tricks.
After that you should perform anti-cellulite massage in homemade
conditions regularly, 2-3 times a week, so you need to master
technique of self-massage.

Anti-cellulite massage at home conditions будет более
effective, if you alternate the development of arms, thighs and abdomen
days, then the process will be ongoing until it disappears

Основные ступени антицеллюлитного массажа в homemade

All my patients are very afraid of pain and bruises from the use of a miracle
– banks before the first session, especially if they already had sad
experience. I want to assure you that good warming is rubbing and
kneading, set the stage for skin work without pain,
more, no bruises.

Для проведения процедур в home conditions по борьбе с
cellulite need to prepare:

• anti-cellulite oil;

• miracle – the bank;

• hard, you can fabric, gloves.

Anti-cellulite massage at home conditions можно делать для рук,
legs, thighs and buttocks, abdomen, but the sequence of execution
always the same: warming up, manual kneading, study in a jar
and plucked exposure, further, if desired, honey wraps.

Hands are massaged from elbows to shoulders, legs and thighs – from knees to

It is more convenient to work your ass and back of your hips while standing on

With массаже живота не забудьте положить подушечку под колени,
so that they are in a slightly bent state.

Before starting to warm up, pour some oil on your hands,
rub and start stroking problem skin. All movements
perform circular and zigzag movements, gradually
increasing the pressure and speed of grinding.

With необходимости добавляем масло, чтобы руки легко

Массаж живота начинаем делать от пупка к
periphery. Stroking is performed in four circular motions.
fingers of both hands clockwise.

Rub the skin in the form of stroking the knuckles.
We work with lines from the center to the ribs, to the sides, to the pubic

For rubbing and further massage the sides should be knees.
tilt slightly to the opposite side of the massaged side.
We work with the fingers of one hand and the supporting base of the other, trying,
all unnecessary sides move to the center. It will take 5 – 7 minutes.

Feeling warm across the surface of the abdomen, go to
kneading. Put your thumbs in the center of the navel, and four
grab the roller of the skin and knead it, squeezing to a tolerable pain.
We work in a circle.

After this, with a pinch motion we drive blood through the interlayer.
fat over the entire surface of the abdomen according to the scheme described above,
обеспечивая расщепление бугорков «апельсиновой peel. For better
finger and skin clutches use cloth gloves. Kneading
can last up to 10 minutes.

Important! With наличии родинок на теле их следует
bypass during the massage.

Чудо — баночка поможет при антицеллюлитном массаже в homemade

When you feel that your skin has become elastic and you can
work like a dough, then take a miracle in your hands – a jar of
silicone. I like the soft jar more because:

• it does not injure the skin, like glass;

• leaves no bruises;

• It is easy to adjust the intensity of skin intake
vacuum cavity.

With работе с этим силиконовым чудом пальцы рук отдыхают, по
a well-oiled body the jar just slides, performing and
rubbing and kneading.

Vacuum jar

With помощи вакуума обеспечивается прилив крови, что положительно
affects the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

The abdomen is massaged in the same way that it was performed.
rubbing, on the sides, all movements are performed up and down. Ten
minutes is enough to massage the belly jar.

With массаже рук и ног баночка перемещается снизу вверх, вдоль и
across without affecting the internal parts where
lymph nodes. Only a miracle – the bank can cope with the “flashlights” on
руках при регулярном антицеллюлитном массаже в homemade

Используем мед при антицеллюлитном массаже в homemade

If you decide to use all the arsenals of massage against
cellulite, then use honey, whose unique qualities are not
only contribute to blood flow and lymph flow, but also favorably
affect the nutrition of skin cells. After exposure to honey skin
becomes smooth and velvety.

Smears with a thin layer of honey, of course, liquid (candied
warm up a little in a water bath), and start the massage.
Dry hands tightly pressed to the skin for a couple of seconds and jerk
pull back We pass in small areas the entire problem area.

Медовый массаж рук, ног занимает по 5 минут, то
work with the stomach and sides for at least 10 minutes.

Gradually, the honey will turn into white lumps and disappear. Not
hurry to rinse it off after finishing the massage. If time permits,
Cover the honey-covered areas with cling film for 20 to 30 minutes.
Honey wrap will work like a steam bath, splitting
fatty tubercles.

I want to note that in process of study of problem sites through
some time cellulite bumps will become more visible and more
palpable, do not be alarmed. This means that the process has begun, and the fat has started
concentrate in separate lumps that in further
will disappear.

Be patient, and the results will not keep you waiting! To begin
the fight against cellulite can begin at any age, the main thing
bring it to the bitter end, and cellulite treatment will help you
массаж в home conditions.

Кому запрещено делать антицеллюлитный массаж в homemade

What a temptation would not be to get the perfect figure, remember
that it is strictly forbidden to do massage procedures when
such diseases:

• any type of oncology, regardless of location, because you
don’t know where the metastases went;

• skin diseases;

• thrombophlebitis;

• tendency to bleed;

• during menstruation;

• in the presence of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

No beauty is worth the risk of life!

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