Anti-aging face masks at home- we return youth!

Пт, 19 июн 2015 Автор: Анна Нестеренко

To stay young and attractive longer
take care of yourself, regularly relax, enjoy life. But how
Do not try, the years take their toll, because youth is not eternal.

True, women are able to slow down aging, pushing
manifestation of its signs or partially getting rid of the arisen
age-related changes (wrinkles, sagging skin, blistering
face contours, etc.). This helps them rejuvenating masks. So
let’s consider the best of them.


Alginate rejuvenating mask

Alginate mask tightens the skin and improves its tone,
reduces wrinkles, cares for water balance, adjusts oval
face, tightens pores, relieves swelling, etc. You can search
professional alginate or cook
rejuvenating mask yourself.

First you need three large spoons of alginate.
sodium, which should be filled with 60 ml of plain cold water and
insist a little more than five hours.

After that in the present gel-like salt of alginic acid
we enter two teaspoons of soluble powder in 30 ml of water
kelp, and then – 3 tsp kaolin. White clay also
must be dissolved in 30 ml of liquid. If the mask turned out
liquid, add to the mixture of ampoule of calcium chloride.

Soая омолаживающая маска наносится на кожу толстым слоем.
This should be done quickly as the alginate agent begins
plasticize almost immediately. 15 minutes before applying the mixture
Moisturizer is applied on the face. The mask is removed by one
layer (starting from the chin), 20 minutes after
distribution. In case of premature drying of individual
product areas should be moistened with water. Anti-aging course –
no more than 15 procedures.

Важно: альгинатную маску разрешено накладывать
under the eyes, on them and even on the lips. This product is suitable for
people with rosacea, and can be used as a means to
eliminate the symptoms of this pathology.

Mustard rejuvenating mask at home

Mustard mask, unlike alginate, can not
used by people with dilated vessels on the face. She doesn’t
suitable for women with rosacea, sensitive, overdried and
sore skin. But at the same time mustard face mask –
worthy rejuvenating and cleansing agent. Mustard products
also copes with acne, slightly brightens, tones and
mattes the skin. It increases blood circulation and defats.

A good mask for oily skin is prepared from broth
yarrow, one protein, a tablespoon of mustard and three tea
– cucumber puree. To get products for dry skin,
replace protein with yolk, and herbal decoction – cream or ethereal
oil Of course, you can only prepare a rejuvenating mask from
two components: water and mustard powder. Diluted powder
must be placed on a gauze, and after – on the face. Skin follows before
this moisturize your favorite cream. On top of the gauze-mustard
�”Sandwich” you can put a paper towel. Mustard masks
dangerous to withstand longer than 10 minutes.

Важно: снимать маски из горчицы следует ватным
swab / disc moistened in vegetable oil.

Anti-aging homemade honey face masks

Honey mask can be used as a cosmetic
a means to slow down aging and rescue fading skin. She is
partially smoothes wrinkles, tightens skin, nourishes it,
cleans, tones, improves complexion. If you want to rejuvenate
face, make it color more healthy and improve blood circulation, then
make a mask of half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a full tablespoon –
honey A little smooth out the appeared wrinkles can be
помощью молока, чая и honey Each component will need about
one tsp. Замедлит старения и смесь из творога, honey

Here are some more recipes for homemade anti-aging honey masks.

– one tsp honey and egg – products for feeding and
smoothing the skin, well refreshes the face, struggling with fading;

– from the yolk and a small spoonful of nectar it turns out great
moisturizing and wrinkle-free mask;

– for skin tightening and toning, as well as puffiness removal
requires coffee grounds, which is mixed with liquid honey
(ratio – 1: 2).

Warning: you can achieve a lifting effect with one

All mentioned honey masks should be done once every three days.
They are held for about 20 minutes. The product is washed off with a wet sponge (it
wetted in boiled water). At the end of the honey procedure face
do not interfere with washing under running water.

Совет: если маска постоянно стекает с лица, что
you are very annoying, you can just lay on the skin
moistened in honey mixture gauze.

Rejuvenating parsley face mask

Let’s cook two super anti-aging remedies for
based on parsley and other healthy, tasty ingredients. To cook
they will be easy if under the hand blender. So, recipe number 1. Us
need a tablespoon of parsley gruel, which is poured olive
oiled and put on the stove for 10 minutes. Oil will need three times
more than parsley, that is, three tablespoons. spoons. Green cooked,
now strain the butter and mix it with a tablespoon of cocoa and
sour cream. Apply the product and wash it off after 15 minutes.

Recipe anti-aging mask under the number “that”: we get the blender,
throw there a bunch of parsley, half a cucumber (mediocre),
grind them and combine with a large spoon of plain yogurt.
Soую омолаживающую маску можно смело держать на лице целых 25
minutes If you wish, you can do both masks every other day.

Presented masks are definitely worth a try, for good reason
ladies claim that they really rejuvenate the skin of the face, and
tone up, eliminate peeling, clear, lighten. And girls
say that parsley masks also have
anti-inflammatory effect.

Anti-aging masks from the “female” fruit

These are masks of tender and juicy peach. Home
peach cosmetics returns skin elasticity, reduces
the number of shallow wrinkles, removes unpleasant complexion,
normalize the sebaceous glands, tones, etc. Make masks out of
Peach can be two or three times a week, maintaining a homemade
омолаживающую продукцию на лице до 20 minutes

Peach pieces masks are not very effective. They are definitely not
compare with anti-aging remedies from crushed pulp, juice
fruit or peach butter. For example, anti-aging mask
can be made from three tablespoons of natural peach
juice, two teaspoons of oatmeal, and five more drops of oil
grape seed. Increases skin elasticity and fruit
gruel combined with medicinal broth. It is made from dried
pharmaceutical chamomile.

Apricot anti-aging face masks

It is said that no one has power over time. And we will try
slow down or return it with mashed apricot.
Imagine? And what, it’s real. Let’s spite the enemies
stay young, slow skin wilting, activate it
recovery processes. To do this, you should learn
prepare anti-aging apricot masks, thanks to which the skin
will be smooth, rich in vitamins, taut.

To make anti-uvein, take a few large spoons
apricot puree, combining them with five pounded cherries,
free from skin and bones, and the fourth part of a banana. In
fruit and berry mix you need to put a spoon of semolina. She can
cook both in water and in milk. Soая омолаживающая маска
suitable for women with normal and dry skin. If you need
regenerating agent for oily skin, then replace the semolina
chopped oatmeal. Wrinkles are also afraid of apricot tandem.
and yogurt. Rejuvenate the skin, rid it of greasiness, you can with
using whey and apricot puree. Soую маску сначала
impose on the gauze, and only then – on the face. Any of
apricot masks should not be kept longer than half an hour. They can
apply every other day.

Важно: маску из абрикосов нельзя наносить на
damaged skin or pustules. The main contraindication –

Purchasing anti-aging mask – apply at home

When there is no desire to play with peach or apricot, it is worth
Buy an inexpensive anti-aging mask containing fruit acids.
For example, you can buy “Kora” – cream mask from domestic
manufacturer. She is подходит для всех типов кожи. Soой эксфолиант
removes dead skin cells, rejuvenates the skin, smoothes it,
tightens, moisturizes, cleans, etc.

The mask is applied to the cleansed face with a thin layer. It is impossible
apply near the lips and eyes. Время выдерживания — до 7 minutes Flush
cream mask, you need to distribute the skin moisturizer, and more
better – regenerating. Course – 20 procedures. Frequency: once per
a week – for rejuvenation of dry / normal skin, two – for

Warning: the mask should not be used in the summer, as this
is fraught with the appearance of pigment spots. Use “Koru”
forbidden to people with rosacea.

Mayonnaise rejuvenating face mask

Women who once a week made a mask of mayonnaise,
claim to have noticed a significant improvement in skin condition. She is
she became fit and rejuvenated, her face had a beautiful tone,
eels disappeared, flaking gone, acne disappeared. True magic
means they did not prepare from purchased sauce – the ladies used
homemade mayonnaise. For its preparation hostesses took yolks,
olive or vegetable oil, vinegar and mustard. If you
prepare mayonnaise for anti-aging mask, the last two components
add optional, but you can put. Besides we are today
Mentioned about the rejuvenating effects of mustard.

If you have a little flabby skin, then increase its elasticity.
help home remedy from a tablespoon of mayonnaise, two –
жиденькой заварки черного чая и honey Last ingredient
need one teaspoon. Hardened honey needed
melt in a water bath. Soая омолаживающая маска в придачу
tones and nourishes the skin of the face. Выдерживают ее 20 minutes Applied
on face a layer of mayonnaise should be thin. Flushка —
warm water.


We all heard that before applying anti-aging and any
other masks (even in the comet salon, even in home
conditions) кожу лица необходимо очистить и распарить. How do
do these procedures perform correctly?

To clean the face, you can use the gel for washing,
which should suit your skin type. If you are normal
skin, then after wiping your face calmly proceed to the steaming.
The same dry skin before steaming is smeared with a softening cream, and
problem and combined – moisturizer. Oily skin
It does not hurt to additionally process with lotion or tonic.

Face should be steamed over a container filled with herbal.
decoction. You can add a few drops of essential oil.
After the face is parted, it will become soft, wet,
proceed with the application of anti-aging masks. If you не хотите
sit on steam, you can steam your face with a cloth,
dipped in hot broth. Before you put the napkin on
face, it should be wrung out. After cooling the fabric must be repeated.
procedure. Soих подходов должно быть не меньше трех. Soже можно
wrap your face with a hot, moistened towel.

I wish you a long youth and unfading beauty, dear women!

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