ANNA SEMENOVA: “I have two favorite hieroglyphs”ken” – sword and “ryu” – dragon … “

Вт, 20 сен 2016 Автор: АННА СЕМЕНОВА: переводчик,
20 years, the Far East

В детстве я была очень боевой девочкой, и,
probably my behavior would be more suitable for the yard tomboy,
than for a cute creature with a thick braid and a huge bow on
head. I remember once in the third class even broke
my classmate had an eyebrow against the doorjamb, and my parents were called into
the school. Probably this moment from childhood I remember
most of all, because then I was very ashamed.

Школу я обожала, училась всегда с
pleasure … well, or almost always, because my catastrophic
inability to understand the exact sciences, such as mathematics, became clear
right away

Родители меня наказывали не так уж часто, и при
This never tried to hit the belt … Usually or put me
in the corner, or spent a long conversation, during which explained
what exactly did i do wrong and why can’t i do that. Usually
This was done by dad or grandfather, because their words, unlike
the words of mom and grandmother indulging me, much acted on me
more efficient.

Когда мне было 4 года, мама наняла для меня
English tutor. At first I just learned the language, because
I liked it, and somewhere in the sixth class I finally decided,
I want to devote all my work to foreign languages
a life.

Японский я начала изучать в десятом классе.
Then many of my friends went crazy on anime, but I was to
he is very indifferent. But one day, visiting someone from your friends
animeshnikov, I heard the songs of Hamasaki Ayumi (at that time I didn’t know
who it is), and they were so different from all that I heard
Before, they so struck me, that I decided by all means
learn japanese

Работа переводчика хоть и довольно сложная, но
without funny moments, of course, does not do. That’s all
Recently there was a case when a client asked me about how much
there are normal apartments in our city, to which I myself do not understand
why, having mixed up everything in the world, blurted out: “san oku gouray desu …”
(approximately three hundred million). Would you see my client
eyes round Well at least I quickly corrected, and then we
with him laughed at it.

Если бы явыбрала иную профессию,то наверное,
pastry chef It sounds ridiculous, but in the first year of university I suddenly
I realized how much I would like to be a professional in this field,
and cook beautiful cakes and pastries.

Очень часто меня спрашивают, сложно ли учить
hieroglyphs, and, of course, do I have any particular
favourite. I have two of them, and the first one is quite simple: 剣 (ken)
�”sword”. I do not like value so much as form. There is in it
something subtle … and the second is more complex, with the meaning of “dragon”: 龍
(ryu :)

Чем японский отличается от русского, можно
enumerate a long time, but perhaps the most obvious difference is
that the predicate is put at the end of the sentence, while its
the form depends on the time to which the statement relates. I.e
if we are told the sentence “I went to rest on the sea”, then we are still with
from the very beginning we will understand what they tell us about the past, whereas the Japanese
hear it only at the very end of the sentence when
finally the verb appears, along with all its attendant
temporary signs. I.e если грубо переводить на русский,
The Japanese hear the information in this sentence as “I rest on the sea
ездил».Приятнее всего работать тогда, когда
the person (whether it is Russian or a foreigner) already has experience with
translator and knows how to talk. Inexperienced people most often
or say all your thoughts in a continuous flow, not doing at all
no pauses, or make them in very bad places, and sometimes,
to translate the above, you have to unobtrusively offer
man to continue.

Япония это страна, где благодаря многовековым
traditions can now see a very interesting phenomenon: more
the older generation is an example of a stereotypical image
Japanese, while young people have already fully absorbed the European
vision of the world. This can be seen even on questions that I sometimes get asked
customers Older people often ask
for example, do girls leave work after getting married,
whereas you will never hear such a question from young people. Totem,
who was brought up in accordance with old traditions,
it really seems that marrying a woman should throw
work and fully devote themselves to the family, but young people think
otherwise. The same goes for the famous attitude of the Japanese to
work: in older people you can still see the zeal to work, the desire
work for the good of some company and linger on working
location for a couple of extra hours. Young people, as far as I can tell, to
this is not ready.

Самый интересный текст, который мне довелось
To translate, this is an instruction for properly dressing a kimono. With especially
My sensei helped me with specific terms, but the text was
insidious moment when in Japanese direct text it was said that from
fabric need make a fold at the level of the priests, clearly in the center … and I
sat and tormented, not knowing what to write. In the end, the translation
Serious was, and here such liberties!

А вообще работа переводчика подразумевает
having a well-developed creative thinking because
situations are very different. That is why, even in our
computer age when seemingly translation can be entrusted
machines, our profession does not disappear.

В наше время рыцари на белых конях остались
exclusively in fairy tales … well, thank God.

Всякие мелочи мужчинам я прощаю очень легко, я
In general, in this plan, easily appeased. What would never forgive, so
it is, first of all, attempts to humiliate me or hit me, and

Главное, что мужчины должны знать о женщинах,
so this is what sometimes in a fit of emotions we can talk a lot
something that we don’t really think about at all. At least half
what we say in such a state is not true.

Я абсолютно и безоговорочно «сова»

Больше всего в жизни мне мешает то, что я всё
I try to do it myself. I don’t like to accept help from other people
even from parents, and I do it only when there is no other way out.
If it were not for this my obstinacy, I would live much easier.

Мой самый главный страх — что я сломаюсь и
I will surrender, resign myself to all the difficulties and just float by
flow, not trying to start living again for real.

Больше всего я люблю сидеть ночью на
window sill and look outside. On the cars outside the window, the light of the lanterns and
the moon. Usually в такие моменты я либо слушаю на плеере какую-нибудь
nice music or drink tea.

С тех пор, как я начала учить японский, меня
began to annoy wildly punctuality. Still, when you contact
with the language really, then the traditions of the country adopt.

К чужим детям я отношусь равнодушно. Its own
I do not want.

Конечно, деньги лишними не бывают, но я думаю,
it would be enough for me to earn about 80 thousand a month to
don’t worry about how I live.

Главная моя мечта в детстве — стать красивой
a woman. I hope I did it.

Если честно, очень хотелось бы, чтобы меня, как
translator, recognized colleagues from our city, if possible so
to tell. For example, my translation teacher is very famous with us,
and just say his name as the surrounding specialists
understand that we are talking about a good translator. I want to through
for many years, when someone says “translator Semenov,” people
the thought immediately arose “Oh, yes, that one …”

Если бы я могла заново прожить свою жизнь, то
I would not change anything in it. My past is me, and if it was
would be different, then me, the way I am now would not be.

Яне питаю особых восторгов по отношению к
past or future, and therefore would never want to live in another
time except what fell to my lot.

Мне моё имя нравится, тем более что с моей
simple surname exotic names will not be combined. Yes, and for
the work is convenient: it is very easy for Japanese to pronounce “Anna”.

Я категорически против войн и вооружённых
conflicts because they bring much more evil than
expected benefits from them.

Я никогда не могла понять, почему есть люди,
who cannot realize that there is a different opinion besides their
own, and if you do not accept it, then at least recognize him
the right to exist, and not try to convince a person with all
possible ways.

Если бы я была животным, то, вероятно, ежом —
prickly outside, but soft and sweet, if a person is not too lazy to find
the right approach to me.

Я очень хочу побывать в Киото. This is a real
my dream city.

Политикой я не особо интересуюсь, но для работы
have to be aware of the main events to know who where
the president, the prime minister, and what the world is doing.

Главная болезнь современного общества —
indifference. Everyone doesn’t care about other people’s problems and
grief Unfortunately, and I have symptoms of this disease often
manifest themselves …

Чтобы улучшить жизнь в стране нужно, чтобы
the government actually paid attention to the needs and opinions
people, not just in words. A very good example is construction in
Vladivostok, especially the road with left-hand traffic. That’s who
was she needed? The locals are all complaining …

Через двадцать лет я представляю себя
a good translator, in a good company, with whose opinion
are considered and are not afraid to call even for serious

Самое важное в жизни — заботиться о тех, кто
you are really dear and help them as much as you can.

Парадокс оптимизма: я искренне верю, что через
ten years in the world everything will only get worse, but after 100 years,
surely there will be just heaven on earth.

“Ryu” – (dragon) typed in Word in Batang font

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