Animals and Signs

Animals and Signs Fri,
09 May 2014

About the unusual abilities of animals have been talking for a long time. Cat,
for example, it can heal a host by laying on a sore spot,
working on it with its energy, and even doing paws
a kind of massage.

The hypersensitivity of the tails of the unique ones is also not
exposed – many cases are known when pets
predicted natural disasters long before they began. By his
restless behavior they forced to draw attention to themselves and
they saved not one life.

And how many situations are described when animals do not understand how
looking for a way home, going back hundreds of kilometers,
using some kind of internal compass …

And it is not surprising that many will be associated with them and
various beliefs, both known and not so.


Some omens appeared only thanks to human
observation. Let’s say if the swallows today fly close to
earth, everyone knows that it will rain.

Now we know exactly why this happens. Before bad weather
the atmospheric pressure always falls and the midges fly low, and
swallows come down to her, that is, there is nothing unusual about it

But other signs of a single observation does not explain.

The bird “made you happy” by marking you with a dung shoulder – for money.

Flew, hurt his head wing – wait for wealth.

The bird flew into the house – wait for some misfortune.

But the dove is a bird of God, and it was not for nothing that the Virgin Mary appeared; God appeared in
pigeon guise. It was believed that in this image angels fly or
the reincarnated souls of the dead. Pigeon nest next to
house, protects residents from harm. However, if he flies into the room and
Sit on the table, it portends someone a disease.

When a pigeon enters a dwelling through the threshold, someone from the owners
expects death.

Magic properties have long been attributed to feathered birds. Their plumage
claws, blood used to make potions and hold
magical rites. They were a kind of symbol of spiritual
of the world.

For example, a sparrow, this is a strong psychopomp (Greek – “conductor
shower “), able to contact with the other world and open
trail for the dead in our world.

The sparrow who has flown into the room must be kicked out immediately and
for some time it is better not to be in this room.

The bird died in a cage before the wedding, it means that marriage is necessary
will fall apart.


Dogs (впрочем, не только они) обладают каким-то внутренним
sense that allows them to feel the mood and the essence of man.
The animal will never come to a man who has unkind
intentions, and vice versa – willingly run up, feeling that he
nothing threatens.

As they say, dogs and cats are able to see the aura, as well as
creatures hidden from the human eye. No wonder it is believed that
if a dog barked on a completely deserted street, then
�“Unclean” people cannot see.

Will take associated with dogs is also quite a lot.

You will be very lucky if you meet three at once
white dogs.

The dog ran between a pair of hoops – to be in trouble.

A mournful howl foreshadows misfortune on the side where she howls.
The dog howls and holds the face up – there will be a fire, head down to
earth – to the dead.

Puppies can not be given just like that, for it is necessary to give any
a coin, otherwise he will not take root.

Canine tooth – a powerful talisman against the evil eye.

Fishermen never take dogs into the sea, according to their beliefs because of this
trouble may happen. Even the word “dog” pronounced in flight
can not.

If on the way there was a vicious dog, you should rather read
He says: “God to me, the dog is from me” and then misfortune will pass


Our furry friends are mystical creatures with direct
attitude to all otherworldly (no wonder almost every witch
there was a black cat or cat). They can see what is beyond,
predict the weather, they can heal, but they can also bring trouble.
It is strongly not recommended to offend them, to kill a cat – to doom
themselves for misfortune, for a long seven-year term.

Cats не зря они в некоторых странах с давних времен объявлены
sacred animals (as, for example, was in ancient Egypt).
For example, the Chinese, they guard the household wealth, but if the house
if someone else’s cat comes in, it portends poverty.

The cat is sleeping with the belly up – wait for the warm weather, spread its tail –
there will be a blizzard, it will start to sneeze – rain is expected, the face is washing –
washes the guests.

Everyone knows that a black cat promises to cross the road
trouble, but worse when she does it from right to left.

If you take your favorite fishing she will attract a good

When the domestic cat lies down next to the sick, the cat quickly
He recovers, if he leaves, refusing to be near, –
will be sick for a long time or die.

Of course, you should not blindly believe in all without exception, but
undoubtedly, in the vast mass accumulated over the centuries will take its
rational grain. And along with the obvious folly meet
really interesting observations that have a real basis.

Inexplicable in the behavior and abilities of the smaller brothers for now
which is much more than famous and laid out on the facts.
Many puzzles in this area are yet to be solved.

In general, do not trust unconditionally bad omen, treat
to them, first of all with humor. Get yourself shaggy or fluffy
friend and always believe in your luck.

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