Aloe face mask: nourishing, cleansing,nutritious. How do face packs with aloe, which recipeseffective

Ср, 27 дек 2017 Автор: Марина Поздина

It is known from antiquity about the health benefits of
aloe. It is successfully used in maintenance procedures.

Aloe facial mask is suitable for girls with different skin types.
Рецепты с использованием алоэ достаточно простые и effectiveе.
It has many advantages: moisturizes and refreshes the skin, tightens
her inside.

Many sunburn creams contain natural aloe juice,
because it is appreciated for its anti-inflammatory effect.


Useful properties of aloe for face

– Hypoallergenic properties allow you to include it in masks for
sensitive face skin.

– Relieves inflammation.

– Lightens pigments and freckles.

– Irritation and itching of the skin noticeably reduces.

– When receiving sunburn removes redness and

– Heals minor scratches and wounds.

– Deeply moisturizes the skin.

– Stimulates cell regeneration, thanks to deep
penetration of skin cells.

– Softens the skin after scrub and other procedures.

With regular use of aloe leaf for facial skin care
noticeably tightened and increases its elasticity.

Who is aloe?

– Mature skin with signs of wilting;

– Dehydrated and dry dermis;

– Redness and peeling;

– Sunburn;

– Enlarged pores;

– With inflammatory processes on the face.

Rules for the preparation of aloe for use in cosmetic

– Medical properties are given to aloe after 3 years.

– Most suitable for facial treatments – meaty
plant leaves at the roots.

– After cutting, rinse the leaves with warm water, removing dust.

– Roll up in a film and put in a cold place for 1 week.

– Prepare a mask of aloe facial should be in glass or
ceramic ware.

– For a deeper mask action is recommended before
procedure to clean and steam the face.

– Apply the mask to the massage lines, avoiding delicate skin
around eyes.

– It is recommended to do 3-5 procedures to fix

How to get the pulp and juice from aloe

It is recommended to cut off the bottom sheet, it is good to wash it.
Wrap in foil and put it in the fridge for a week. After
how the leaves got, you need them quickly enough
recycle. The sheet is cut into pieces and crushed in a blender.
The resulting mass is ready for use. From her easy
make juice, just a lot of wrap in cheesecloth, squeeze well.

Aloe Face Mask Recipes

In many recipes they prefer to use aloe juice, and
You can simply chop the leaves. Suitable as a moisturizer and
sedative after cosmetic procedures. Combining Aloe
with other masked components, it has different effects on

Mask for all skin types.

It will suit absolutely everyone, so you have no problems with the skin of the face, you
It will help maintain hydration and tone. Purified pulp
Attach the plants for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. After
Aloe skin will shine and smooth out.

Aloe vera face mask against wrinkles.

Mix olive oil and aloe juice well. Wash warm
water The oil nourishes the skin and has the effect of smoothing.
fine wrinkles.

For saturation and nutrition of the dermis.

Aloe leaf and kiwi knead in a smooth mash. Connect with
a few drops of vitamin E and apply a mask along the massage lines.
This mask actively removes toxins and cleans pores.

Antiseptic mask.

Take the aloe pulp, mix with honey. Add oil
grape seed and 1 spoon of vodka. When the mix is ​​good
will mix up to throw in blue clay. Quickly apply on face. Mask
must be completely dry, then washed.

Овсяная маска с aloe.

Using regular oatmeal with aloe can be solved
extended pore problem. The greasy luster disappears and the skin is matted,
fine acne is healed. Equal amounts of oatmeal and aloe
mix with the protein of one egg. The mixture is applied to the face evenly and
после подсыхания смыть теплой water

Moisturizing with a cucumber.

If you combine aloe with cucumber, it turns out effective
remedy for dry skin and protection against sunburn. Cucumber
измельчают на терке и соединяют с тертым aloe.

Cleansing mask with lemon.

Squeeze juice from half a lemon. Смешать его с соком aloe.
Apply the mask on the face and wait for it to dry. After такой
pimples are dried and the skin of the face is bleached,
getting a fresh and well-groomed look.

Aloe milk mask for the face.

Milk mask will help to narrow pores and cleanse from dirt.
Take the same amount of aloe juice and milk, put on face
15 minutes. A slight tightening of the skin may be felt, but this is normal.

Mask из алоэ с эффектом лифтинга.

To make a mask with a pulling effect, you need to
use cottage cheese, heavy cream or sour cream 20%. Add Aloe
and as much honey. Apply the mask completely to the face and décolleté.
It is desirable to use it if there is no allergy to the components of the mask,
and there are signs of skin aging. For young skin, such nutrition is not

Dry humidification facial skin.

Take oatmeal, aloe, honey and glycerin in equal parts.
Mix all ingredients and apply on cleansed skin. Wash off
теплой water

A soothing mask of avocado.

Мякоть авокадо смешать с мякотью aloe. Let it brew for 5 minutes and
put on face with a thick layer. If you add olive oil, then
This will enhance the effect of hydration and nutrition. Mask способствует
collagen production.

Mask из алоэ для лица с проблемной кожей.

Herbal infusions work best with skin problems. Aloe,
linden leaves, chamomile flowers, St. John’s wort, warm water and give
brew for 1 hour. This remedy heals minor wounds and
dries acne.

Anti-aging mask.

Используется оливковое или миндальное масло и мякоть aloe.
Нанести смесь на 15 минут и смыть прохладной water After процедуры
apply moisturizer. It should be applied regularly 2 times a day.
week for a noticeable anti-aging effect.

Getting rid of wrinkles.

Наложить на лицо маску из теплого меда и мякоти aloe. For
воздействия оставить на 15 minutes. Wrinkles are smoothed, skin
softens and moisturizes.

Kefir mask.

Aloe, тертый сырой картофель и кефир mix. Brush
Spread over face for 15 minutes. If use
her regular freckles disappear and the pigmentation becomes

Whitening mask with parsley.

Chop the parsley, add the grated cucumber. Separately connect
aloe pulp and a tablespoon of cream 33% fat. Carefully
mix. Prepare gauze for the shape of the face. Soak in
the resulting mixture and impose on the face. Hold for 20 minutes and apply
moisturizing cream.

Pomegranate mask.

All ingredients are taken on 1 teaspoon. Aloe, pomegranate juice
juice and honey After 20 minutes, you need to wash off the mask. The skin is whitened and
cleared. Mostly recommended for people with signs of aging.

Soothing mask with yogurt.

Mixed aloe, cucumber juice and low-fat yogurt. Mass should
get homogeneous and not liquid. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse.
теплой water It turns out to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
action on the skin of the face.

Mask из алоэ для кожи around eyes.

Taking care of your health in advance, you can spend
preventive procedures for moisturizing and nourishing delicate skin
around eyes. Aloe sap is well applicable in this respect.
masks. It is best to use aloe juice, almond oil and
glycerol. Mask наносится только легким точечными движениями.

Contraindications on the use of aloe

– In case of individual intolerance or predisposition to
allergies to aloe, use it is not recommended.

– Before the first application, conduct a test on the wrist.
Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, if there is no redness, you can safely
apply on face.

Mask из алоэ для лица — это быстрое и доступное средство для
solving the issue of caring for your skin at home. Masked ingredients
natural and budget. Universality of a plant is unique: dry
skin – moisturizes and nourishes, and oily skin – dry and cleanse.
In addition, tightens the facial contour and fights wrinkles.

Aloe – natural and affordable product. At home
косметологии прочно зарекомендовало себя effectiveм средством для
борьбы с различными проблемами skin. Modern cosmetology
uses it in the manufacture of lotions, tonics, face creams
and body. Such funds can be prepared at home, because
grow unpretentious plant on your windowsill will not be

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