Aloe – a panacea for facial wrinkles


  • Useful properties of aloe
  • Description and composition
  • How to make juice at home?
  • Mask Recipes
  • Contraindications and adverse reactions

Two thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks believed agave (aloe
faith) is a universal cure for many diseases, and the Egyptians are
The plant was given the name “flower of immortality.”

Aloe has long been considered the most popular plant in
cosmetic industry. Due to its high content
nutrients and nutrients, plant pulp and juice
used for tinctures, masks and skin lotions. Antiseptic
Aloe properties are used to heal scratches and wounds,
eliminate acne and relieve inflammation on the skin. Also more than once
proved the effectiveness of plants in the fight against premature
aging – the components that make up the juice of aloe, fill
epidermis cells are moisture and return skin elasticity. Exactly
therefore, cosmetics manufacturers add aloe extract
in creams, lotions and shampoos.

Along with factory production, which contains no more than 10%
aloe vera extract
for the skin, cooked on their own, at home.
The result after using such creams, lotions and masks sometimes
surprises even experienced cosmetologists.


Useful properties of the plant

Aloe helps to reduce the impact of negative factors on
skin – destroys harmful microorganisms and eliminates loose
radicals. The plant contains components, thanks to
which accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, its surface
becomes more smooth and supple. Aloe has a huge
the number of useful properties due to such substances:

  1. The complex of vitamins C, E, A – accelerate the process
    cell regeneration, activate metabolic processes that promote
    fast smoothing wrinkles.
  2. Allantoin protects the epidermis from exposure to harmful radiation,
    disinfects and moisturizes the skin. With this component skin
    gets rid of dead skin cells.
  3. Pectins, which are contained in the juice of the plant, contribute to
    restore the elasticity of the skin.
  4. Salicylic acid helps to get rid of pigment
  5. Auxin and gibberellin (hormones of plant origin)
    accelerate the healing process of abrasions and wounds, as well as remove scars and
    redness after acne.
  6. Tannins are needed to eliminate inflammation

As a result of numerous studies, scientists have proven that
active ingredients that make up the plant’s juice regulate
water balance of epidermis cells. This means that funds with
natural aloe extract not only removes existing ones
wrinkles, but also prevent the formation of new ones.

Description and composition

Aloe belongs to the family of succulents, plants that
able to accumulate water well and contain large amounts
nutrients in their leaves.

The composition of aloe leaves include:

  • B vitamins, as well as E, C and A;
  • beneficial amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • minerals (about 30 species);
  • glucose and fructose.

Beauty salons offer numerous treatments using
aloe vera extract – beauticians use mainly factory-made
products, including expensive masks, creams and gels on
natural basis. In some salons really are
products that add fresh leaves and aloe juice. However more often
total cosmetologists prefer to use the drug from the ampoule, and
not a natural extract that does not guarantee the maximum
effective result.

Exactly поэтому мы предлагаем вам научиться делать средства ухода
with this unique plant at home.

How to get juice at home

To prepare the juice is best to take a plant, age
about 4 years, with a week before cutting the leaves flower
stop watering. Cut more mature lower leaves, then
wrap them in foil or thick cloth and put them in the fridge on
14 days. During the stay in the cold, the plant as a protection against
extreme conditions will increase the production of beneficial substances.

Prepare the juice as follows:

  1. Aloe leaves are well washed in running water and rinsed.
  2. Carefully remove the skin with a knife, gel-like mass
    crushed with a blender and squeezed juice.
  3. Strain the liquid and pour it into ice molds.

Frozen aloe juice is allowed to be stored sufficiently.
long, but with long-term storage
will decrease.

Fresh aloe juice and pulp are stored
in the refrigerator from 5 to 7 days. It should be checked regularly.
mixture – follow the color and smell to prevent reproduction
pathogenic bacteria.

Homemade wrinkle masks with aloe juice

Traditional medicine offers a lot of cooking recipes
homemade cosmetics based on aloe extract. In liquid
masks are allowed to add about 20 percent of vodka, however
mixtures are not recommended to use against wrinkles – tanning
substances contained in alcohol, dry out the skin.

All recipes provide for cooking at home,
the volume of the finished cosmetic means a one-time

  • Face mask “Maximum hydration”

Prepare ripe fruits and berries with a sweet and sour taste, this
may be raspberry, peach or apricot. First wipe
fruit pulp facial skin, then apply aloe juice with
adding a couple drops of lavender or jasmine oil.
Procedure duration – 15 minutes, for dry skin.
It is recommended to apply the mask in several layers.

  • Mask based on baby cream

Connect two glasses of plant juice with baby cream and one
tablespoon of honey. The resulting gruel is applied to the skin twice
per day. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes, then the face.
wash with clean water.

  • To moisturize the skin

For 15-20 minutes, a mask prepared from
two small spoons of aloe juice, one large spoon of honey (liquid),
one egg yolk and three tablespoons of cream with a high percentage
fat content. After the procedure, you need to wash and apply on the skin.
any nourishing cream.

  • Mask with potatoes and kefir

Ideal for oily skin. Two big spoons
the juice or pulp of the plant is combined with 200 grams of raw potatoes,
pre-chopped on a grater, then add two spoons
kefir. Put the resulting product on the skin and withstand
Twenty minutes. If there is no kefir in the refrigerator, you can replace it.
low-fat yogurt. In order for the mask not to be too thin,
you need to carefully squeeze the juice from the potato. For dry skin use
boiled potatoes instead of raw, and kefir or yogurt change to
сливки или молоко с высоким процентом fat content.

  • Honey with algae

Before applying this mask, you must wash your face hot.
water To prepare the composition mix one large spoonful of juice.
from aloe, one ampoule of vitamin E, one small spoonful of powder from
seaweed and half a spoonful of (large) liquid honey. Mask
calculated on the course of 14-20 procedures, applied twice in
a week

  • With starch

For two large spoons of liquid take half a teaspoon
starch and heated in a water bath to a thick consistency
paste. Then the pulp or aloe juice is added to the mixture.
(optional). Owners of dry skin can be added to the tool.
a few drops of flax oil, use dry for oily skin
starch instead of liquid. Put on the skin, duration
процедуры – около 20 минут, затем умывают лицо water

  • Mask с подтягивающим эффектом

Egg white is combined with one small spoonful of plant juice.
Aloe, beat and in two or three layers applied to the skin. After 10
minutes, the mask is washed off. A great way to get fast, but,
Unfortunately, short-term results. Usually such a mask is made.
before a party or any other festive event.

  • Based on gelatin (for those who are 25+)

One of the best means to enhance protein metabolism in
epidermal cells. Gelatin penetrates deep into the skin, normalizes
level of amino acids and promotes rapid smoothing as
small and large wrinkles on the face. To make a mask
take one teaspoon of aloe (juice), gelatin and peach
oils, as well as five drops of vitamin E and A.

Then prepare the gelatin base. For this bred in any
gelatin liquids in a ratio of one to six and left to
mass swelling by half an hour. As a liquid, you can use
not only water, milk is suitable for this purpose, any decoction or
the juice. After 30 minutes, the gelatinous mass is heated in a water bath and
after complete dissolution of the grains leave to cool.

Gelatinous mass is combined with the other components and put
on the skin of the face. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.
затем лицо умывают теплой water

  • Mask «Питательная»

Эта маска противопоказана при наличии гнойных прыщей на skin.
Take one spoonful of (dessert) cream and aloe juice, add five
drops of lemon juice. Наносят на кожу дважды per day. Leave on
15 minutes, then wash your face with cool water and lubricate the skin
nourishing cream.

In what cases it is forbidden to use juice and pulp medicinal

As well as many other means of alternative medicine,
Aloe pulp and juice have some contraindications. TO
These include:

  • the period of pregnancy and feeding;
  • children’s age about one year;
  • hypertension;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • kidney disease;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • obstruction of the bile duct;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • inflammations of the genitourinary system, namely uterine
    bleeding and bladder problems.

Most often, the above contraindications operate in
case of taking the pulp and juice of aloe inside.

Adverse reactions are most often associated with excess
the recommended dosage when taking the juice inside or in the form of injections.
Perhaps the appearance of such signs:

  • indigestion (diarrhea);
  • pressure increase;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • hyperthermia.

To eliminate even minor side effects, before
using funds with aloe need to test on possible
the presence of an allergic reaction. To do this, put on the inside
side of the arm just above the elbow a small amount of cooked
Facial products (for example, mask or lotion) and wait 30 minutes.
If the skin does not appear red, then the product can
apply on face. However, in some cases, allergies can
manifest only 48 hours after application.

Is it possible to use aloe for skin care around

The skin around the eyes is exposed to harmful effects.
environment more than other areas. Exactly здесь в первую
queue formed wrinkles and swelling. TOожа вокруг глаз наиболее
vulnerable due to lack of sebaceous glands.

In the absence of contraindications and allergic reactions,
Allowed to apply aloe skin care in the eye area. Can
in the evening, before going to bed wipe problem areas with clean juice,
observing the rule of massage lines – the upper eyelid from the nose to
outer margin, lower eyelid – vice versa.

As a tonic lotion used frozen juice –
wipe the eyelids and the whole face with an ice cube.

Proper facial skin care and regular use of pulp or
Aloe juice can transform your appearance, eliminate small
wrinkles and remove dark circles under the eyes. Skin color also
change – it will become more matte. Will the deeper go
wrinkles – directly depends on the age of the woman and skin type.

Aloe vera really works wonders, this plant is deserved
They are called “natural healers”; they use it not only in
cosmetology, but also used in medicine for the treatment of many

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