Allergy in a kitten: first signs, obvioussymptoms, the basics of treatment. Causes of allergy in a kitten, preventioncomplications

Пт, 08 дек 2017 Автор: Светлана Землянская

Since appearing in the house, little pet
brings a lot of joy. The kitten has always been joyful
playfully, happily ran to the bowl, having heard the steps to the kitchen, and you
noticed that he feels bad?

Symptoms such as sneezing, refusing food or toys may be
caused by the appearance of an allergic reaction.


Allergy symptoms in a kitten

In order to be able to accurately determine the cause of bad
you need to know all the signs
allergic reaction.

1. • Repeated sneezing.

2. • The appearance of snot.

3. • Quick enough fatigue, failure to play.

4. • Unpleasant smell from the skin.

5. • Shortness of breath and wheezing after running or playing.

6. • An unpleasant smell from a kitten’s mouth.

7. • A pet often scratches a particular spot on the body.

8. • Heavy sweating.

9. • Problems with the chair.

Provided that you have noticed a few of the above
symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian to clarify
diagnosis and finding out what to do next and how to treat a baby.

Allergy in a kitten: causes

Causes of allergy in a kitten are similar to human ones.
The following can cause pet allergies

1. • The most common cause is an insect bite.

2. • It may also affect your well-being.
the amount of dust and pollen of any plants.

3. • Allergic reaction to a variety of medicinal

4. • Allergy has been inherited.

5. • One of the most common causes is infant formula.
which are given by caring owners to those kittens who are deprived
his mother’s milk. The immune system of such babies is very

These reasons may contribute to allergies.

What to do if a kitten is allergic

First of all, the necessary measures should be taken immediately.
после того, как были замечены симптомы аллергии у kitty.

It should be remembered whether new ones have appeared recently.
smells in the apartment. If the first signs of allergy began to manifest
almost immediately after its appearance, then the cause of the allergic
reaction is exactly the smell, the source of which you need immediately

Discharge from the nose with constant sneezing, especially with
interspersed with blood, most likely are not a consequence of an allergy.
The cause of this behavior of the organism of the pet can become stuck.
in the respiratory organs subject.

Provided the pet is combing its back or tail,
insects caused scabies. Should be attentive
examination of the body of the kitten for the presence of bites. If bites were detected,
should go to the vet who will prescribe drugs against
типа паразитов, поселившегося на теле kitty. Also, scabies can
become a consequence of changing care products, which is especially strong
affects the skin and hair of a small pet.

After molting, your baby may be allergic. Only required
remove shreds of wool.

The cause of severe swelling may be such a pathology as edema.
Quincke, which requires an urgent appeal to a veterinarian, so
how its effects can become even more dangerous than under the condition
That this pathology is picked up by a person. Worsen the situation and the fact that
the animal is still very young.

The cause of the problem stool and its rentals on the pope on the floor can
be worms. In this case, you also need to contact a veterinarian with
subsequent testing. It is important to remember that worms are dangerous.
for a kitten, but also the pet owner can pick them up.

Allergic Treatment

When you and your little friend came to the reception
veterinary specialist, it is necessary to describe him in all details
the situation, not forgetting the little things and allergy symptoms in a kitten, that
will facilitate the diagnosis. On the introduction of a diet of new products
or any feed for the first time, should also be mentioned in
conversation with the doctor. In many cases, he can send homework
animal for blood test.

Provided that the occurrence of an allergic reaction is caused
so, from what to protect the kitten will not work, are assigned special
противогистаминные drugs. Such an appointment is made if
pathology was caused by any elements from the surrounding

If it was found that the cause of allergy in a kitten is
innovation in the diet, then this product must be removed from
use. It is also possible the appointment of an antiallergenic diet,
having a short duration.

Also for the treatment of allergies in a kitten may assign such
medical drug like antibiotics. In the presence of scratching and
skin abrasions, it is required to treat a pet specialized
drugs for local use.

If allergies are caused by any source of smell, you need to
take medication prescribed by a doctor that has an effect on
swelling. In most cases, in order to strengthen the immune
system of the baby, prescribed a course of vitamins.

AT conclusion

What to do if a kitten is allergic? Symptom Detection
An allergic reaction requires special attention. Because
responsibility for the health of a little friend lies entirely on
his master’s shoulders, he must watch very carefully
a kitten, from the very moment of its appearance in the house. Right
Selected ration, cleanliness in the habitat, careful care and
constant attention will serve as preventive measures that if
will not completely destroy the chance of an allergic reaction, then
will minimize it.

Do not forget that you need to do if your
kitten allergy. Urgent visit to the veterinarian will save
the pet owner’s nerves, and the prescribed treatment soon
facilitate the condition of the pet. Self-medication or lack of help with
any kind of pathology will not lead to anything good and may
only aggravate the situation, if not lead to such a consequence
as lethal.

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