All tried, and the bath still does not shinewhite… The most effective bath cleaners – wherethey?

Пн, 09 июл 2018 Автор: Татьяна Тинцевицкая

Looking for a better scouring powder or gel sometimes
It seems that the most suitable will be the one that is expensive. TO
Fortunately, very simple recipes can also be effective.
Consider the best of those known today.



Many housewives use this gel constantly, no longer
thinking to try any other means. Effect of it
Impacts can be seen literally right away. Where inflicted
cleaning composition, the bath turns white on the eyes. It is not complicated in
using. Does not require long rubbing the surface with
effort. This gel can be considered one of the best.
bath cleaners. There are different options on sale
aromatic fragrances for the most partial hostesses: with a smell
lemon, sea breeze. It is economical to use, which means
gel for a long time enough. It’s better to wear gloves
protect the skin of the hands, as the composition is concentrated. And of course
после использования Domestosа, нет сомнений в том, что все микробы
disappear from the bath without a trace! Is this not the most important goal during
clean and clean?


According to many women, this tool is indispensable when washing
enameled coating. Household people accustomed to bask in the warm
relaxing water, immersed in a white bath, namely
thanks to this facility. Its most important advantages are
effective whitening and disinfection. And rust? TO сожалению
This can not be avoided, especially for those who do not have the newest bath.
The Comet tool easily handles this problem. After cleaning
coating odor quickly disappears. Especially nice when the effect on
face immediately after the first application. On some funds
you can see the phrase: “if you clean the surface from the first time, do not
succeeded, repeat again. ” Why is this? TO счастью к Comet это не

Sarma anti rust 7 in 1

This compound can also be considered the best cleaning agent.
baths. Its most important advantage is an affordable price. And it is not
unimportant! The gel has a bluish tint, so when applied
more than five minutes to keep the bath cover is not worth it. But it is also to
the best – faster cleaning. After using the tool
bath will be as good as new. At the time of our grandmothers, when there was no
a wide variety and choice of cleaning products, bought a simple
a bag of powder for washing the bath for a penny. No one remembers
the names of those “magic” bags, the effectiveness of which never
did not disappoint. Many grandmothers tend to, remembering those
powders, lament that modern means just to
sold to the buyer again and again came for them in
score. Because import recipes are completely powerless. Sarma
akin to the most reliable means of grandmother’s memories. AT
selling it can also be found in powder form.


Those who had to live in a rented apartment, often
encounter problem baths. Oh, they know how to deal with
old rust. Means is on sale in the form of gel,
as well as there are bottles with a dispenser, spray foam. This is very
convenient – during the cleaning of the coating it is not necessary to smear the composition on
bathroom, everything is evenly distributed with a few
clicks. Gloss and purity after applying Cif remain for more
long term. Means is easily and quickly washed away. After him
application does not remain divorces. AT нём идеально сочетается
value for money. The cost of this product does not exceed
average price of cleaning products. The volume of the bottle is enough for a long

Pemolux Soda 5

TOонечно, считается, что порошки вредны для определённых
coatings, as they may scratch the surface during cleaning. But
there are special neglected cases when exactly Pemolyuks will fit
by the way. If the bath at one time tried to clean
with the addition of various acids, enamel could
get injured. At the same time the surface becomes not smooth and brilliant,
rather rough. Fine powder particles penetrate easily
to the most polluted places. Pemolux for a long time
is in sale in great demand. AT состав этого порошка входит
soda. Thanks to what means easily copes with a soap coating,
fresh rust and other contaminants. Pemolux has no sharp
smell. This is appreciated by housewives prone to allergic reactions. TO тому
the same powder cost is very affordable.

Soda and citric acid

Yes Yes! ATот так просто! These 2 ingredients will make enameled
coating impeccably snow white. They can rightfully be considered
лучшим средством для чистки baths. It is very convenient to use it.
a way of bleaching in families that have small children, so
as these tools are perfectly safe. To prepare the mixture
you need to take about half a pack of soda, dilute it with a small one
the amount of water at room temperature to obtain a mushy
consistency. Sponge apply the resulting solution to polluted
участки baths. Leave the soda for 10-15 minutes. Next, take 1 bag
citric acid (30 gr.) and diluted with water. For this
the amount will be enough 150-180 ml. Apply to the bath. Reaction,
arising from the interaction of soda and citric acid, fine
способствует отбеливанию enameled coating. Hiss – clear
a sign that everything is done correctly.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Many people prefer simple homemade recipes to shop.
various reasons. ATо-первых, это не дорого, во-вторых, не так
разрушительно для эмали baths. And in general, often everything you need
can be in the home first aid kit at hand and do not need to spend time on
The study of unknown vials. Among the reviews of the best
bath cleaning products this recipe is great

Per 100 ml of ammonia (sold in a pharmacy) take 50 ml
hydrogen peroxide. We rub ugly rusty stains. Reserve
for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off and admire the result. From redheads
stains will not remain.

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