African daisies – gatsaniya: growingbright flower without problems. How can you grow gatsanyu from seeds andcuttings

Вт, 08 дек 2015 Автор: Елизавета Шатунова

In Africa, in their homeland, gatsaniya is a perennial plant.

In temperate climates, growers grow it as

This beautiful flower looks like a large multicolored
chamomile, well acclimatized and on your flower bed, if you provide her
proper care. And to keep a copy until the next season,
for the winter, the plant can be “moved” into the house.


Choose a variety of gazania for growing

Flower growers are called gatsaniyu African chamomile. But unlike
a familiar wild flower, gatsania has large inflorescences
bright color, which depends on the particular variety. Her inflorescences
they are open only in the daytime when the bright sun is shining outside.
The only kind of flower that “rejoices” in any weather –
Talent Therefore, living in regions where the sun
not often happy beds, choose this particular subspecies.

We denote other types of gatsaniya, which even beginners
gardener will be able to decorate your plot:

Гацания жестковатая. 1 bush per season
reveals up to 35 inflorescences. Flowering lasts from early summer to
november Varieties delight juicy colors of petals – red, yellow
or bronze.

Гацания длиннострелковая. Varieties of this species
differ in small growth – up to 20 cm. Color of petals – yellow
or orange.

Гацания павлинья. From other species, these flowers
characterized by the presence of a small stalk. Petals – yellow or

Гацания Потси. Distinctive feature –
large inflorescence, reaching 12 cm in diameter

Гацания перистая. Its name plants
this species was obtained due to the pinnagular form of the leaves.

Гацания снежно-белая. Flowers are unusual in that
have pubescent leaves connected to a dense outlet,
lignified at the base.

Гацания одноцветковая. Petals –
light yellow.

Гацания гибридная. This type includes
flowers obtained by crossing the gatsaniya harsh with other
views. Note that you won’t get seeds from hybrid plants –
each time you have to buy a new seed or multiply
flowers cuttings. There are already many varieties of hybrid gatspnii, including
including – with terry petals. The most beautiful and unpretentious of
them – Ministar, Debreyk, Chansonet, Daybreak Red Stripe. Sort
Talent refers specifically to this species.

Where and from what to grow gatsanyu?

Гацания любит солнце, поэтому для выращивания
this beauty highlight an open, unshadowed area. Plant
Resistant to the winds – do not enclose it with anything.

Ideal for growing gatsanii – light, good
drained, fertile soil. On clay soil plant
will often hurt. Also, the land is not suitable where it is too high
пролегают грунтовые воды — цветок засухоустойчив и
abundance of moisture will destroy it. To carry out complex activities on
Soil preparation before growing gatsanii is not necessary – only
thoroughly weed the beds and fertilize the earth with mineral

Planting gazanii seeds

The most convenient way to grow gatsaniya – planting seeds.
But in order to see a blooming carpet in its flower bed by the beginning of July,
better prepare the seedlings in advance. Planting the same plants immediately in
open ground will “slow down” the flowering for at least 1.5 months. But
This method is quite suitable for the southern regions where summer is coming.

Начинайте высевать семена в марте.
Prepare the seedlings and flower ground first.
It is permissible to use and
special peat pots – in the future then it is not necessary
do a pick, and you can replant seedlings to an open area
right in them.

Technology preparation seedlings gatsaniya
is this:

• Lay small seeds in the ground one by one – on
a distance of 3 cm. Too much depth is not necessary – a maximum of 1

• Sprinkle seeds on top.

• Moisten the surface of the soil with a spray bottle and
cover with plastic bag or glass.

pickled seedlings of gatsania (1.5 months after

Provide seedlings with the necessary care – good lighting,
temperature within 18 ˚С. Appearing on the lid of the mini-greenhouse
shake off condensation occasionally, otherwise high humidity
will destroy the seedlings.

If you comply with all the conditions, the first shoots on the surface of the earth
You will see in 1.5-2 weeks. During this period, the temperature content
seedlings can be lowered to 14-16 ˚C. Grow sprouts at first
they will not be too intense – they have so far little light. But когда на улице
it will become warm and the first rays of the sun will look out, the young gatsania will become
to grow stronger.

As for picking, the plants can not be seated on
individual containers – if they are not cramped in a seedling box, leave
them in this form until the transfer to a “permanent place
residence “. If the picking is still needed, perform the procedure,
when 3-4 full leaflets develop on the stalk.
Постарайтесь не повредить корневую систему!

Перед высадкой цветов в открытый грунт рассаду нужно
— выносите plants to fresh air. And later
12-16 weeks after seeding gatsanii, seedlings can be transferred to a flower bed
– the flowers by this time will be quite strong.

Plan your own landing scheme – it all depends on your idea of
flower garden design. Глубина лунок — до 15 cm. Расстояние
между цветами — 20-30 cm.

Gatsaniya: growing cuttings

Черенкование — единственный способ сохранить
favorite variety, if the plant is selected for planting, not giving
seeds. Choose intact, healthy shoots. Recognize
suitable cutting can be on the “heel” – a small thickening in
the bases of the twigs.

Черенкование гацании начинайте в июле.

The technique is as follows:

• Cut 10 cm long side shoots from the bush, lower leaflets
remove them. Immediately treat the slices with coal or special
root root.

• Put cuttings in the stimulator solution overnight – so they
more likely to take root in the ground.

Можно использовать ауксины, производные мочевины,

• Plant the stalk in a separate container where it is laid beforehand.
nutrient soil.

• Provide seedlings care (temperature – 18 C, watering,
airing), and the root system will develop in 1-1.5

On open ground bushes planted on the site in May
(be careful not to damage the roots!). To gatsaniya better settled down,
remove old shoots from the bush. Already by the summer they bloom magnificently.

Features care gatsanii

The rules of care for gatsanii do not differ from
growing other ornamental plants – even novices cope
with this task. To African daisy bloomed long and abundantly,
it is worth considering some points when caring for her:

• Gatsania – drought-resistant plant. Its root system can
�“Feed” water and nutrients from the deeper layers
soil. But это не отменяет важности полива! Moisturize flowers
— обильный полив в сочетании с пониженной
temperature provokes the appearance of fungal diseases.
Try to avoid moisture on the leaves of the flower.

• Гацания нуждается в постоянной циркуляции
. Do not let the strong foliage of the plant,
time removing dry leaves and buds. This, moreover, will extend
its bloom. Wait until gatsania gives seeds perfectly
meaningless, because self-sowing does not reproduce almost no
one grade.

• Не реже 2 раз за месяц рыхлите почву на
, поскольку гацания любит легкий, хорошо
drained soil.

• Раз в 2 недели удобряйте посадки комплексными
fertilizers for decorative flowers at the rate of 20-25 g / m2.

This will help to extend flowering, and blooming petals will
large and bright. Feedings gatsanii can be reduced to times in
month if it grows on fertile soils. Fertilizer flower beds
can be combined with watering.

• With a lack of iron, which is especially characteristic of carbonate
soils, gazania leaves may turn yellow. To prevent this from happening,
spray foliage with iron compounds –

Gatsania did not bloom: what to do?

If all the rules for caring for a gatania are observed, it should
luxuriantly bloom by mid-July. But есть некоторые причины, которые
may cause inflorescences on bushes not

Избыточный полив. In the wetlands
the plant will hurt. This situation is common in those
areas where it rains often.

Недостаточное освещение. If most
day young saplings will be in the shade, gatsaniya will not give
inflorescences. And if they appear, the splendor of its grower is not
will delight.

Поздняя посадка. From landing to
flowering plants should pass at least 60 days. If late with
planting work, the period of blooming inflorescences just have
in the cold, and at low temperature gatsanii not enough
nutrients for growth and development.

How gatsaniya winters?

Gatsania can withstand frosts down to -5 ˚C, but in severe cold it
will die – leave the plant to spend the winter at the site has no
meaning. Many growers grow it as an annual, completely
removing faded stalks and leaves in autumn. But при желании африканскую
Daisy can be saved until the next season!

At the end of the summer, transplant the strongest specimens into a suitable one.
the size of the pot or pot. And if they were originally grown in
individual containers, no additional transplant work
are needed. Transfer the containers to the house and keep the gatsan in a cool place.
place But температура не должна понижаться до минусовых

repositioned for the winter gatsaniya

If you provide additional flower coverage, it will bloom
even in winter. Water gatsanii moderately, not allowing strong
drying the soil in the pot.

Diseases and pests of a gatsaniya: control methods

Diseases and pests affect gatsanyu rarely. And if they
appear, often caused by improper care

The only disease that is dangerous for gazanii and is capable of
погубить целую клумбу с насаждениями — серая
It manifests itself in the formation of leaflets
whitish plaque on the leaves, which is quickly transmitted from one
flower to another. The main reason for the appearance of gray rot –
excessive moisture. Noticed traces of the disease on the foliage?
Treat gatsanyu Bordeaux liquid or fungicides. If a
individual flowers are strongly affected; remove them from the flower bed and burn them.

Among the pests gazanii common:

Тля. Experienced growers for prevention
planted between the rows of gatsaniya onions or garlic – their smell
scares bugs. If a заметите вредителей, поедающих листья и
gazanii petals, you can wash them with water. But эта «методика»
quite dangerous, because it is impossible to re-moisten the plant. Bugs
can be assembled by hand. Some species of insects feed on them.
(ladybugs, gold-eyed) and birds. To attract birds on
your site, hang around the perimeter of the feeder. Don’t believe in
�”folk remedies”? Treat the flower bed with oil gatsaniyami

aphid on gatsaniya

Паутинный клещ. To cope with the invasion
pest, spray the gatsaniyu insecticidal solution, and then
Cover the landing with plastic wrap. It will be useful special
means to add and to the ground. But используя химикаты, будьте
careful – if they are not alternated, the spider mite will quickly develop
�”Immunity” to poison.

Улитки. For the prevention of occurrence in flowerbeds
snails eating the leaves are used to plant among the flowers of spicy
herbs (alfei, rosemary), onion or garlic. Common practice
when flower growers around plantings create an artificial barrier,
which slow pests cannot overcome. Best but with
this is quite time-consuming, a way to save the flower garden from invasion
snails – collect them from the site manually. Try and use
other methods – sprinkling soil with spruce needles, digging into
ground cans of beer or fermented compote. Birds and hedgehogs
eat snails – they will become your helpers. If a ничего не
helps, you can use chemicals that scare away
pests. Spraying them on the site, observe the technique.
security, so as not to harm the plants and yourself.

If a гацании не будут досаждать вредители, растения до самых
frosts will delight you with beautiful blooms.

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