Acacia – healing properties and application inmedicine

Mon, Jun 27, 2016


Acacia – General Description

White acacia is a tree of the legume family, reaching in
height up to 15-20 meters, with a beautiful sprawling crown and white,
nice smelling flowers, collected in a brush. Acacia blooms with
the end of May until the beginning of June, after which fruits appear on the tree –
dark brown flat pods with 4 to 6 bean seeds

Акация белая применяется не только в medicine. Scented oil,
prepared from its flowers, widely used in perfumery;
Wood is an excellent finishing material. Besides,
Acacia is a wonderful honey plant.

Acacia – types and places of growth

Homeland of acacia is considered North America. We have it everywhere
distributed in southern areas, decorating parks and gardens.

Acacia – healing properties

Acacia is used as an expectorant, antipyretic,
astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic,
diuretic. It is also used to normalize the work.
bowel and stomach, reducing nitrogen in the blood.

Acacia – Dosage Forms

As medicinal raw materials are used flowers, fruits, leaves and
bark of a plant. Flowers need to be collected in the stage of flowering acacia in
semi-dispersed and dried in a well-ventilated area,
and then used for the preparation of tinctures, decoctions and infusions.
Harvesting the bark and leaves of white acacia is produced in the stage
vegetation. From the bark is prepared mainly broths; leaves
used for the preparation of decoctions and alcohol tinctures.

Acacia – Recipes

Pharmaceutical preparations of white acacia no. As we said her
take in the form of tincture, infusion or decoction of various parts, in
depending on the disease.

When infertility take tincture of flowers of acacia white, for
cooking which 1 tbsp. l flowers, fresh or dry, poured
300 gr. vodka and leave to insist on the sun for about
two weeks, then filter. Take this tincture need
трижды в день, разбавляя ее водой (20 капель на 1 ст. l воды).

Conditions such as rheumatism, myositis, joint pain and
sciatica can be greatly facilitated by grinding. For
preparation of tinctures for rubbing 50 grams of acacia flowers
pour 2 glasses of vodka and insist about three weeks in the dark
indoors, shaking occasionally, and then filtering. Rubbing
need to be carried out every day at least 2 times.

For лечения различных воспалительных заболеваний женской половой
Sphere acacia is used in the form of a decoction of flowers. To his
cook, 1 tbsp. l flowers, fresh or dry, poured 500 gr.
water, boil for about 3 minutes and, after strain, bring to the initial
volume. Take the broth three times a day and 1 tbsp. l

To prepare the infusion of flowers, 1 tbsp. l raw materials are poured 200
gr. boiling water and, having insisted 2 hours, filter. Indications for
uses of this infusion are rheumatism, kidney diseases and

For приготовления отвара коры акации 0,5 ст. l bark which
should be crushed, pour 0.5 liters of water,
кипятят 20 минут и, процедив, доводят до исходного volume.
Cooked broth drink small portions for 2 days. is he
useful in exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

For приготовления настойки из молодых побегов и листьев 1 часть
raw materials pour 10 parts of alcohol (40%) and insist about 15 days,
occasionally shaking. Употреблять настойку нужно по 1 ч. l
three times a day.

For лечения простуды и в качестве жаропонижающего принимают
decoction of acacia leaves, for the preparation of which 1 tbsp. l
the dried leaves of the acacia are ground into powder, and, filled with a glass
boiling water, continue to boil for 5 minutes, then cool, filter.
The rate of use of such a decoction – 1 tbsp. l three times a day.

Acacia – contraindications

With all its beneficial properties, acacia has a number of
contraindications that are due to the presence in different parts of it
toxic ingredients (first of all, alkaloid robinin).
Therefore, it must be taken carefully, with strict observance
dosages and recommendations for the preparation of drugs, especially
if the acacia is not used as part of the collection, but independently.

Acacia is contraindicated for people with low acidity. Also
Contraindications for its reception are pregnancy and

Overdose of acacia leads to malaise, nausea,
vomiting, headache, drowsiness. More serious cases
accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, trembling, cramps,
weakness of cardiac activity. Help is needed in this situation.
the doctor, before whose arrival you should do a gastric lavage and
take absorbent, such as activated carbon.

Caution should also be taken when harvesting acacia wood,
as it contains contains toxalbuminrobin which can
cause irritation of mucous membranes and acute


Valyushka 04/16/2016 And here I am worried about one moment … Everything is clear from
so if you yourself went and collected what you need. But it has
Does it make sense to buy fees at the pharmacy? I mean, all herbs need
collect at a specific time. And for pharmacies this time is observed?
Rimma 04/16/2016 And I still dare, and try to take a decoction of
acacia. It is written here, and not only here, that it can help
in the treatment of infertility. And this, as you understand, is a serious problem, and in
such a situation, ready for any risks. Natalya 04/16/2016 Yes,
Of course, some advice on receiving these funds is necessary
get … But, who has that ?! This is a question. Do we have
Patented, really good specialists in this area ?!
Only grandmothers who will not give any guarantee … Masha
04/16/2016 I think that such funds can be used
only after consultation with a specialist !!! And no more !!!
After all, if we consider this as a medicine, they are
pills, for example, then you need to drink it after discharged
“recipe”. Polina 04/16/2016 Well, nothing for yourself !!! I’m generally the first
since I hear that acacia is a healing plant !!! We have her
the whole sea grows !! And I just had some problems on
female part. Must try!

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