About skirts and blouses in nude style

Beige is called many shades – sand, straw,
cream, caramel and others. And these beautiful tones are called
nude, that is, “naked”, almost imperceptible.

Clothing beige palette – a true classic, which is especially
relevant in the summer. Light and light, associated with
sandy beach and safaris, it never goes out of fashion.

In recent years, beige tones have become a popular palette and in
winter time. And all because they are universal, suitable for everyone and
combines easily with almost any clothes, shoes and
accessories. This article is about what to wear skirts and blouses in
nude style.


What can I wear with a beige skirt?

The combination of this skirt with other items of clothing will not be
special work. The main thing is to achieve consonance of styles and textures of fabrics,
but don’t worry about color: it will fit almost everything.

Well, if the choice for you is still not easy, use
one of the following win-win options. You will be
several combinations are suggested.

  • So, the first combination – “Nude”

The skirt is combined with things similar in color: shoes, clothes and
accessories beige, cream, sand or cream tones. Things
this kit does not have to be the same color: blouse
may be cream, skirt – beige, and shoes – reddish. the main thing
– so that all of them are light and soft.

С чем носить бежевую юбку, фото In the image of the style nude
One bright, eye-catching detail is allowed. It may
be a red clutch or a purple cravat animating and
completing this combination at the same time.

The images in this combination are very light and tender. So
how the kit focuses on the silhouette and figure,
it is important that the items in it are clean, well maintained and
perfect in quality.

  • The following combination is called “Neutral”

The beige color is neutral, which gives it
great opportunity to harmonize perfectly with others
neutral colors – black, white and gray. Beige skirt in
combined with clothes, shoes or accessories of these colors looks

Skirt with a white top – an option that is suitable for the office,
so for the light summer outfit.

Skirt with black top – spectacular set, suitable for
parties and every day.

С чем носить бежевую юбку, фото For cool weather
perfect beige skirt in combination with a black short

The set with gray top looks elegant and elegant, therefore
suitable for walking and for work. However, the gray top should
be necessarily light and very light. Silver gray
will help create an elegant youth ensemble.

  • Another great combination is called

Beige is, in essence, a shade of light brown, therefore
It goes well with chocolate, copper, red, honey and
other shades.

Monochrome combination is associated with autumn park and fallen
leaves, so this ensemble is more suitable for cold
time of year.

By itself, this combination is not easy. Soие цвета, хоть и
are very similar, often look inharmonious, therefore,
choosing things for a monochrome kit, they must be
Apply and evaluate very critical. If in doubt,
better replace the disputed item with a more suitable option.

  • С чем носить бежевую юбку, фотоThe most interesting of
    of all proposed combinations – a combination called

Amazingly, but beige, one of the few colors that
Goes well with the most intense colors. He’s great
harmonizes with all shades of blue, many shades of green,
looks great with red.

If you want to wear this skirt with a colored top, do not
doubt, in most cases all combinations look very

The exception is beige skirts to the floor. They are usually worn.
with the most calm riding. In the summer – with plain t-shirts,
in the winter – with simple, low-key jumpers. This skirt is best
suitable light top. An elegant combination of long
beige skirt with a white shirt.

Soже узнайте с чем носить:

What can I wear with beige boots, ankle boots, boots, boots?

What can I wear with a beige jacket, a beige parka, a beige trench coat?

What can I wear with a beige coat, down jacket, sheepskin coat or fur coat?

Beige blouse, what to wear?

A beige blouse is a favorite for many ladies, and not
surprising, because it is she who can unobtrusively emphasize
femininity and sexuality of its mistress. However it is necessary
Consider that a similar result can be achieved only if
if you combine it correctly. Soая блузка отличный вариант для
office, evening walk and everyday wear, however
universality is hidden a number of nuances, aware of which

Having chosen this piece of clothing, you should remember
that beige color has its own characteristics.

First: clothes of this color have the effect of “second skin”,
therefore, in order not to seem inexpressive and
Invisible you should not wear things of one shade. Pants or skirt
must be slightly differ. The same goes for

С чем носить бежевую блузку, фото Secondly: beige color
pale. Therefore, putting on a flesh-colored blouse, you need to do
more bright makeup. Focus on cheekbones and eyes.

What to wear with a beige blouse?

As mentioned above, a beige blouse is universal clothing.
It is only necessary to choose the right set for it.

So, the combination of this blouse with black ones looks very impressive.
classical trousers or a skirt – a pencil.

The shades of blue are perfectly combined with beige blouses from
turquoise to the night sky. It may быть длинная юбка в пол или
traditional jeans.

No less relevant is the combination of beige with different shades.
chocolate, red and green. You can safely wear pants or
skirt mentioned shades. the main thing, помните, что обувь в любом из
Such sets should match in color with a blouse.

Do not forget about the accessories, or rather about their contrast. it
there may be a massive necklace or earrings, bracelets or rings, scarves
or scarves, as long as they are saturated colors. By the way
perfectly harmonizes with blouses of beige color “predatory” colors, it
gives the image some mysteriousness. In general, show imagination
experiment, and success is guaranteed!

How to wear a beige skirt and blouse? Photos of successful combinations

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