A sharp gift: give a knife a bad omen orsuperstition. How to give and receive as a gift without consequences

A sharp gift: give a knife a bad omen or superstition. How to give and receive as a gift without consequences

Each of us periodically gives gifts to loved ones and
familiar. We try to choose a gift that will be useful,
will delight the hero of the occasion. There are traditional gifts,
which it is accepted to give, or they are simply most often chosen. but
not every one of them is harmless from an esoteric point of view.
We’ll talk about knives, find out whether you can give them or not, in which
cases it is done safely, how to give and take in

The knife is considered an expensive and useful gift, while quite
dangerous. It is, in fact, a weapon, a symbol of bloodshed. No wonder knives
often used in dark magic rituals, there are
ritual blades charged with powerful negative energy.


Traditions of the peoples of the world

AT древние времена, например, на Руси, любые
Blades, blades, daggers were made to order and only had
one owner. If the subject fell into the wrong hands, he would reward
new owner only negative energy. In those days, give
knives were strictly forbidden. This could be regarded as pointing.

На ATостоке, наоборот, было принято дарить
sharp objects, blades, daggers. It symbolized a wish.
wealth to a person meant respect. Daggers decorated
carvings, paintings, precious stones. Eastern peoples believe
that it will attract wealth, well-being, prosperity to the house.

Muslims even have a mascot Zulfikar – two crossed swords with
engraved, with lines from the Koran. Its accepted to give business
partners, men wear it like a amulet.

Interesting: representatives of the aristocracy in Europe and Russia
they also decorated their houses with daggers, gave them to each other. In Tsarskaya
Russia, cold steel awarded for high services to
fatherland, and in Russia men often wore it when
to myself.

AT Японии любой вид холодного оружия, в том
including a knife, as a gift – a good sign and a very valuable
thing. The Japanese believe that such items help to “cut through”
difficult path to success and happiness.

AT странах Средней Азии ножи и клинки даже
put in cots babies. Thus, they protect their
детей от злых сил, зависти и defacement.

Правда в Китае и Монголии дарить ножи не
accepted, it is considered a very bad omen leading to rupture

It turns out that donating sharp objects and cold weapons is not
In all cases, is considered a bad omen.

A sharp gift: give a knife a bad omen or superstition. How to give and receive as a gift without consequences

Knife as a gift for a man

It follows from the above that a man can be given a knife.
Only need to do it right. For example, you can donate
custom knife, decorated with engraving. It is important that
the master, creating the knife, did not reward him with negative, thought about the bad,
their problems and troubles. But this rarely happens, usually masters
literally put their soul into the created objects. Such
the gift will not bring negative either to the owner or the giver.

A knife bought in a store can cause discord between
you and the person you gave it to.

Friendships are cut with a knife, cut
energetically. This is especially true if a man is given a knife by a wife
or a girlfriend. There is a sign – if someone gets hurt
knife gift, it promises one of the married couple heavy
illness or even death.

If you are superstitious, you decided to give a man a knife,
it is possible to neutralize the possible negative impact of such

A few days before giving the gift hide the knife in personal
things, periodically reach out and hold it in your hands, while you need
mentally endow the subject with positive energy. Imagine
how do you give it, how does the birthday man rejoice, wish for good, health
and well-being. So you charge the subject positive
energy, you can safely give it without fear of consequences.

Is it possible to give a knife to a woman

With the giving of knives, the woman is more and more difficult. Of course, a good kitchen
the knife will always please the hostess. Only it can not be given a woman
должна сама купить его себе, а не принять в gift. This is confirmed
all existing signs.

For example, if a woman is married or in permanent
relationship, she can not give a knife.

This will discord her family. There is a good sign – young
a free girl given a knife promises to meet soon with a brave
courageous and strong spirit of a man who, most likely,
will be the future husband.

A sharp gift: give a knife a bad omen or superstition. How to give and receive as a gift without consequences

How to neutralize the bad omen

Above it was said how to prepare a knife before giving to a man. AT
principle, it is possible to neutralize the negative impact of the subject for
any occasion. You must follow the rules:

  • The knife must be put in the case to sharp edges.
    были закрыты
    . The handle can be left open. After
    the gift is wrapped in a transparent box or box to
    one could immediately understand what was inside. It turns out that giving
    shows that he has no bad intentions, he has nothing
  • Give a knife is better alone без свидетелей. it
    done so that one of the witnesses does not prove to be talkative
    superstitious. He certainly will not miss the opportunity to comment
    such a gift, tell about some bad sign. So
    He will reward the gift with negative energy.
  • You can buy a knife. For example, after giving
    give the giver of the coin, it can be the minimum changeable
    coin. The main thing is to make a symbolic exchange.

Afterдний вариант универсален, подойдет для любого случая. it
will allow you to drop all fears, superstitions and calmly give your

Gift to the newlyweds

At the wedding often give kitchen sets. It would seem that it is very
хороший, полезный и дорогой present. but существует суеверие,
that he promises to quarrel, discord and a quick divorce. What to do?

ATыше мы говорили о том, что нож лучше дарить наедине, чтобы
the hero of the occasion clearly saw that you were giving – we show our
good intentions.

If you give a knife to the newlyweds, it is also important to show your
the best motives.

Therefore, give the knife openly, without witnesses, but both of them at once.
spouses. If you just put it on the table with gifts, this
can be interpreted as a desire to damage, maybe one of
spouses superstitious. After вручения ножа получите от молодоженов
a coin.

How to take a knife as a gift

What if you are quite superstitious, and they give you a knife.
Having refused a gift, it is possible to offend a person, maybe
he did not know about the signs and had no bad intentions. First thing you can
to do is to offer the giver of the coin and explain that so

There is another way – bite the tip of the tongue slightly and
mentally wish the giver all that he desires for you.

If you wanted to jinx it, sometimes it happens, everything will come back,
and you will not be affected. If the giver handed you a knife with the best
impulses, then only positive energy will return to him – all
fair and square.

The most important thing in giving and receiving any
gift, not only knives, think and good, charge the subject
positive energy, do not think about bad. From our thoughts,
attitude to life and situations depends and our energy field and
protection. Be confident in yourself and your good intentions, and all
will be good.

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