A kitten sneezes: reasons why it can sneezelittle kitten at home and on the street. The kitten sneezes what to do thanto treat?

Ср, 18 окт 2017 Автор: ATиталий Шеломидо

Such a cute creature like a kitten can deliver to its
hosts a lot of positive emotions and smiles. And suddenly they see
how the kitten sneezes, the reasons for this remain unknown.
Of course, it looks very funny, but in fact it
may mean that the kitten is sick and needs help. let’s
We will understand how to be if a kitten sneezes, what to do in such


Kitten sneezes: causes of the problem

The reasons for sneezing a kitten can be many. Analyze the most
common options.

1. Dust. The simplest cause of sneezing is dust.
So, hitting a fluffy nose, dust particles can cause
irritations. The pet will begin to sneeze in order to free it from
irritant. Such a reaction is natural, and nothing
there is nothing terrible about it.

2. Allergy. If the kitten begins to sneeze not periodically, but
all the time, this can be caused by allergies. The fact is that
kittens are very susceptible to allergic reactions, with allergens
may be completely different. So, in their role can act
products, cleaning products, indoor plants, hygiene products
for animals and more.

3. Asthma. If you ignore allergies in a small pet,
the owners are at risk that a protracted disease can transform into
complex chronic disease. So, if you are faced with the fact that
Kitten discovered asthma, first of all should be removed from home
all likely allergens. Also try your best to shield
animal from perfume, all kinds of candles or flavored
candles. So, in the case of severe asthma attacks, veterinarians
recommend the following actions: prepare a steam bath and
hold the kitten over it for several minutes. This
the procedure will help to improve its condition and restore

4. Vaccination. Every breeder that cares about their health
miniature pets, aware of the importance of vaccination. However often
it happens that the vaccine, or rather, the immune response
kitten is the cause of his incessant sneezing. So if not
observe the time between the first and re-vaccinations, such
the reaction happens quite often and should not be surprised her

5. Infections. Every pet always has a chance
get bacterial, fungal or viral at any time
infection. These diseases, in addition to sneezing, are also characteristic
cough, runny nose, high fever.

6. Diseases of the teeth. Every inflammation that occurs in the mouth
cavity, just a couple of hours moving along the nasal channels.
This ситуация и может стать основной причиной беспрестанного
sneezing cat.

7. Worm invasions. Some types of worms are pretty
dangerous and can affect the heart and lungs of the animal. They are capable
block arteries that creates breathing problems as a result
bringing the kitten to cough and sneeze. If not timely
determine the emergence of worms, it can be fatal
beloved pet.

The kitten sneezes, the reason – a foreign object

Sometimes there are such cases when a kitten swallows something.
inedible, it gets stuck somewhere in the middle of the nasopharynx and starts
cause spasms, outwardly resembling sneezing, coughing, belching. AT
In this case, you should immediately try to get a foreign object.
from the pet’s mouth. ATпрочем, делать это следует аккуратно. If you
understand that you yourself will not be able to do this, should
seek help from a veterinary doctor.

Котенок чихает: что делать, как выto treat?

Before you start a kitten, we recommend a good
tidy up the dwelling. Try to remove all the dust in the room,
obsolete things with scuffs, especially for tablecloths and
scuffed, the clothes are recommended to be laid out and hung out.

When your new pet appears in the house, first of all
watch his behavior. Most often they start with a detour and
sniffing the surrounding area. So, if you saw how
the animal, coming up to the next thing, suddenly begins to sneeze and snort,
it should be removed as far as possible.

After you establish the true cause of sneezing, you need
Symptomatic treatment first. ATпрочем, делать это
It’s not recommended as this can be quite
serious diseases such as toxoplasmosis, microplasmosis or
leukemia. How best to proceed in this case, it is better to ask
the vet.

ATо время болезни малыша необходимо обеспечить его всем
necessary: ​​food, warmth, peace. If the cause of his suffering
is a lesion of the airways, try to render
animal all the necessary help: help in cleaning the nose,
eye discharge, regularly examine his mouth, throat. Also
It is recommended to add as much as possible to his diet.
easily accessible components and vitamins.

If you watch a constantly sneezing kitten, with his
allergy does not go away, but causes deterioration in its condition,
should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible. Do not hesitate
with this, the faster he will be delivered to the veterinary clinic, the
faster he will be healed, good, to date, abundance
quality and affordable drugs allows you to do this without
special effort.

Kitten sneezes: what to do, preventive measures

Disease prevention is pretty simple: pay as much as you can
more attention to your pet and constantly monitor the condition
his health. Do not forget that kittens are not so strong
immunity so many of them can react painfully even
on conditions that are close to adult cats.

Therefore, make sure that the apartment was smaller
drafts, limit contact of the weak baby to a minimum
other sick animals and of course do not forget on time
vaccinate your pets.

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