8 most common puppy diseases. ABOUTWhat diseases of puppies need to know every owner of a smallrestless?

Сб, 21 апр 2018 Автор: Качук Татьяна

The little puppy is more vulnerable to the disease than the vaccinated
dogs with a mature and strong immune system. Being
uninformed, you can skip the signs that you have on
hands sick baby.

Today, the article will look at the most common diseases.


1. Puppy Diseases: Parasites

Many puppies become infected with parasites (roundworms,
nematodes, fleas, ticks) at an early age. ABOUTт матери — с
breast milk, independently – during the first walks, from
other pets from the host who may be

– Symptoms of intestinal parasites are loose stools,
upset stomach, changes in appetite, lethargy. Vet can
suggest oral medication that will allow the puppy’s body
neutralize and excrete parasites from the body.

– Symptoms of fleas and ticks are itching, loss.
wool, the presence of white and black fleas. For
treatments are used external preparations, shampoos, creams, collars.
In difficult cases – shots to prevent the development of infections.

2. Puppy Diseases: Digestive Problems

Puppies, like babies, have sensitive digestive
systems, so they often suffer digestive problems,
such as diarrhea, vomiting and constipation.

– Diarrhea

Diarrhea can have a wide range of causes – some can be
serious. If your puppy has diarrhea and does not stop at
for 3 days, and especially if you notice the presence of blood,
Take the puppy to the vet immediately.

– Constipation

Constipation is also one of the most common problems.
a puppy. This is not uncommon. And if besides constipation in a few days
the puppy is active and cheerful, you do not need to worry. The most important thing –
make sure the puppy drinks a lot of water and moves a lot. you also
You can add fiber to his food: from 1/4 to 1 tsp.
ground flaxseed. If the puppy suffers from chronic
constipation, consult your veterinarian. Besides,
make sure that there are probiotics and fatty acids in the baby’s diet
– = they are necessary to maintain digestive health

– Vomiting

A puppy may suffer from vomiting when it absorbs food too quickly.
or eating too much. It’s pretty easy to fix.
control pet. ABOUTдин прием пищи разделяйте на части и
let’s gradually. When vomiting – give your baby more drink, he
may suffer from rapid dehydration. If you have noticed
puppy except vomiting – copiously drooling, lethargy, pet began
whine, telling him that it hurts – immediately take him to
to the vet.

3. Diseases puppies: scabies

There are several types of scabies: cheiliozia, ear scabs,
sarcoptosis, notohedrosis, demodicosis. Scabies can cause mass
inconvenience due to the strongest trial that it causes. AT
addition to itching begins active hair loss, the appearance
rough brown scabs on the skin. Scab – infectious
a disease that can affect people too
be careful if you suspect your pet
infected. Puppies with a healthy and strong immune system are usually rare
suffer from this disease. There are many quality
remedies that can be used to combat scabies and
укрепления иммунной system.

4. Diseases puppies: parvovirus

ATирус очень заразен и может передаваться прямым или косвенным
contact with infected feces. Parvovirus mainly affects
puppies and young dogs. Puppies between weaning and up to six months
are most at risk. There are two forms
parvovirus – intestinal (more common) and cardiac (less
common, but more deadly). Symptoms – loss
appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, fever. If you
noticed these symptoms consult your veterinarian. Same
Now there is a vaccination against this virus. And if mom
your puppy was vaccinated, she could transfer part of her
protect against the virus through milk.

5. Canine distemper

it одна из самых распространенных болезней a puppy. This is very
infectious and contagious disease caused by a virus that
affects and causes serious damage to the puppy’s respiratory
gastrointestinal and nervous systems. In puppies infected with plague,
very high mortality. Although any dogs can get infected
dog plague most at risk are young puppies
(under the age of four months) and dogs that were not
vaccinated against the virus. Therefore, remember that timely
distemper vaccination is extremely important to protect your puppy
from this viral infection.

6. Puppy diseases: dental problems

When a puppy is 2 to 3 months old, his baby teeth
start falling out. Milk teeth weaken and fall out when under
a molar tooth breaks through. ABOUTбычно этот процесс проходит
discreetly and painlessly. But sometimes the body can fail.
Then root the tooth can germinate near the milky one, thereby
causing problems in the dentition. AT таком случае необходима
consultation of the veterinarian.

7. Hypoglycemia

The disease, which is expressed in the fall in blood sugar levels. it
may be caused by malnutrition and not properly shaped
diet. If your dog has hypoglycemia, she may have
signs of lethargy and even seizures. ABOUTбратитесь к ветеринару, чтобы
adjust puppy’s diet and start drug therapy
to maintain health.

8. Trachyobronchitis

ATы можете подумать, что у щенка что-то застряло в горле. Cough,
associated with acute infectious trachiobronchitis, is
severe cough, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. This is very серьезное
inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tree and most often
found in dogs living in large cities or taken from

Enhanced attention to the health of your pet, especially in young
age is the key to successful prevention and treatment of any
ailments. Do not forget to regularly visit the vet and conduct

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