30 types of self-sabotage: how to overcome? Go throughtest and find out what prevents you from living!

Вт, 26 июн 2018 Автор: психолог Настасья

This questionnaire will help you identify irrational
beliefs that limit your progress, as well as harmful
behavior patterns. It’s worth noting negative patterns as the way to
The change becomes obvious.

Instructions for the questionnaire

Read the 30 statements below. Rate
how applicable are they to your situation using a scale from 1 to
7, where 1 – “Not at all like me,” and 7 – “This is a big problem
for me”.

Personal growth

1. You expect to be successful in all your endeavors, not
giving yourself time to get comfortable learning new

2. Your productivity depends on the behavior of other people.
For example, you will train more or be able to postpone
money if your spouse will maintain and control

3. You are a perfectionist who is not comfortable with gradual
progress. You will be satisfied only if the task is completed on
100 percent.

4. You are “too busy chasing cows to build a paddock.”
You are overloaded with routine and you do not have time to
improve the work process or come up with a system that
will allow you to better manage time.

Pleasure and self-care

5. Your approach to pleasure is the “denial-binge” cycle. You
for a long time, deny yourself simple pleasures and do not give
relax, and then watch TV shows all night, eating

6. You игнорируете предупреждающие сигналы того, что вам
need a break.

7. Minor trivia prevent you from doing what you love, but
You do not get rid of them in a timely manner. For example you like
take pictures and notice a good shot, but the memory of your phone
turns out to be filled. You так и не удосужились почистить ее!

8. You не делаете то, что хотите, поскольку убеждены: «Я не
can”. For example, you think: “I will not go to dance lessons,
until I lose weight.

Time and emotional energy

9. You тратите много времени и сил на «изобретение колеса».
For example, make a list of necessary things every time
going on a trip instead of composing it once and
forever and ever. Or constantly reset passwords that later
forget, instead of spending time setting

10. You do not know how to plan and organize things:
daily duties can knock you off track. For example you
go to the store every other day because you are “unexpectedly”
end products or necessities.

11. Your spouse or family members shift decision making to
your shoulders. And you allow them to do so without offering to share this
I wear

12. In situations where you can choose: be happy or be
unhappy, you prefer to remain unhappy!

Putting things off for later

13. You создаете ситуации, способствующие прокрастинации.
For example, you think: “I still do not have enough time to vacuum
the whole house, so I won’t clean at all. ”

14. You чересчур усложняете любую проблему. You часами
ponder and endlessly explore the situation, trying to find
perfect solution.

15. You привыкли к моделям поведения, которые психологически
комфортны, хотя и вредны для you. For example, linger in the office
staying up late for you is more familiar and familiar than the need
balance work and family.

16. You навязчиво размышляете и тревожитесь, не предпринимая
no action to solve the problem. For example you беспокоитесь о
secure your online accounts but don’t
nothing to reduce the risk.


17. When your relationship deteriorates, you try to avoid
negative and shy away from the interaction instead
make communication more positive.

18. “In another’s eye he sees a straw, and in his log is not
notices. ” You жалуетесь на поведение других людей, хотя вам нужно
change yourself.

19. You пытаетесь влиять на людей способами, которые нельзя
call effective. For example you постоянно пилите мужа или ноете
and complain to friends.

20. You исходите из того, какой, по вашему мнению, должна быть
situation, and do not live in the real world. For example you рассчитываете,
that your husband must remember which products exactly to buy in
supermarket. Therefore, you do not make instructions for him and
put it in a prominent place, although it would solve the problem.

21. You не принимаете в расчет мнение других людей. For example,
your wife notices that you are wasting time, but you are not
acknowledge the problem.

22. Do you have “pain points”, the impact on which
makes you over-react. You не способны справиться с
your emotions and behavior, when someone’s careless word or
the act revives children’s insults and injuries.


23. You сами создаете стресс для себя. For example, берете больше
projects than the time you have.

24. You отвлекаетесь на мелочи, которые поглощают все ваше время,
and most importantly remains unfinished.

25. You много работаете и погрязли в текучке, хотя все, что вам
is necessary – This is to take a step back and see the whole picture.

26. You чрезмерно критикуете и наказываете себя, хотя принятие и
empathy has a positive effect on your behavior and emotions.


27. You боитесь инвестировать или вкладывать деньги, потому что
feeling guilty or ashamed of a bad decision
which took many years ago. For example you неудачно
used the money when you were twenty years old. Now for you
forty, but you’re still afraid to manage your finances.

28. You переплачиваете из-за нежелания рисковать. For example you
could buy a non-original printer cartridge much
cheaper, but you overpay for the brand for the sake of feeling

29. You переплачиваете за излишние преимущества. For example you
expensive buy the most sophisticated model, although additional
функции, которые она предоставляет, не так важны для you.

30. You поддаетесь маркетинговым уловкам. For example you платите на
3 thousand more to stay in a hotel that belongs
network because you collect loyalty points, whereas
in reality, these advantages cost no more than 500 rubles.

How to overcome self sabotage?

1. Pay attention to the negative behaviors that you
rated at 5 points and above. If you constantly exclaimed: “Yes, it’s
about me! “, focus on the templates that are most powerful
affect your life and relationships.

2. Youявив негативный шаблон, разработайте конкретный план его
replacements. For example, если вы портите отношения с коллегами чрезмерной
critique, set a goal for yourself – do one positive
comment at each meeting you attend. And the first
the phrase you say coming home after work should also
be positive!

3. Any plan for change requires context. Customize yourself:
�”When X happens, I will do Y”. For example: “When I participate in
meeting, I will definitely make a positive comment. ”

4. Improve your habits gradually (by 1, 10 or 20%). Not
Try to get rid of unwanted behavior immediately. This
an attempt is doomed to failure. Gradual improvements that you
do over time, bring more success and help you
form new positive habits.

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